International Women’s Day 2024

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Each year, on March 8, the world marks International Women’s Day to renew our collective commitment to achieving gender equality. 

At Amaris Consulting, we’re lucky to have amazing women from all backgrounds, cultures, and professions working with us in the group across the globe.

As we celebrate this year’s theme “Invest in Women—Accelerate Progress”, let’s meet three incredible women whose achievements bring this message to life.

First, meet Lu KailiSenior Manager at Amaris Consulting, with over a decade of experience in leading teams to success.

Next, we have Marie-Laure Toujouse, Agile Coach and Creator of “Diabetic Women at the Top” Project, aimed at supporting diabetic women in achieving their professional and personal goals. 

Finally, we introduce Maria Camila AmayaConsultant and beneficiary of the Coding Queendom initiative*, a program dedicated to empowering women with digital skills. 

Through their stories, we celebrate the importance of investing in women’s growth and development as a key driver for progress across all sectors. 


*Coding Queendom  offers young women aged 18-25 from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to gain valuable IT skills. The trainees receive scholarships for software development training with a selected education partner identified beforehand. Then, they embark on a 6-month hands-on experience paired with a consultant acting as a mentor and continue their career paths as junior consultants within Amaris Consulting, working on our clients’ projects.