Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment


The Birth of 6G

Dive into the dynamic evolution of Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment (TME)

With the 5G revolution and shifting industry dynamics, we move through this ever-changing environment. Seize opportunities, manage risks, and excel in the converged T.M.E. ecosystem.

Digital Transformation

The TME sector is undergoing significant digital transformation, with the convergence of telecommunications, media, and entertainment services. Consultancy solutions can help organizations navigate this transformation, develop digital strategies, and integrate new technologies to stay competitive and meet evolving consumer expectations.

5G Network Deployment

The rollout of 5G networks presents both opportunities and challenges for telecommunications companies. Consulting experts can assist in the planning and implementation of 5G infrastructure, addressing technical challenges, regulatory compliance, and developing new services that leverage the capabilities of 5G technology.

Data Privacy and Security

With the increasing collection and utilization of user data, concerns about data privacy and security have become critical. Consulting services specializing in cybersecurity and compliance can help TME organizations establish robust data protection measures, comply with regulations, and build trust with consumers.

Competition and Market Dynamics

The TME sector is highly competitive, with rapid changes in market dynamics. Consulting experts can conduct market analyses, competitive assessments, and strategic planning to help organizations identify opportunities, differentiate their offerings, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape.

Customer Experience and Engagement

Enhancing customer experience and engagement is crucial for success in the TME sector. Consulting companies can assist organizations in understanding customer behaviors, implementing personalized experiences, and leveraging data analytics to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Our Service Areas

Fixed line & Wireless telecommunications
Internet Service Providers
Telecom Infrastructure
Satellite Communications
Print & Digital Media
Advertising & Marketing
Film & Entertainment
Gaming Industry
Live Entertainment

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Our Centers of Excellence

Expertise at its Finest
Digital Solutions

With growing competition across sectors, companies must rely on custom platforms that can help them master the inherent complexity of their processes, ecosystems, and markets.

Network Design

Commercial availability of 5G promises new opportunities such as high-speed connectivity, low latency and ubiquitous coverage; however, setting this up is a new challenge organizations must face.

Data & AI

The future of business is digital. In this survival of the fittest, businesses are mutating through digital transformation. The pace at which companies and their business models across industries are digitizing is accelerating.

Meet Our Leaders

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François ROBINET

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Katelyne GOADEC

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