Transportation and Defense


Faurecia's Environmental Impact:
Tracking & Monitoring Gas Emissions for a Greener Singapore

Step into the diverse world of Transportation & Defense

Stay ahead of the industry shifts by implementing automated, sustainable, and connected solutions. Utilize AI, sensors, and robotics strategically to anticipate change. Explore a future with diverse transportation options while prioritizing safety, affordability, and environmental awareness.

Technology Integration and Innovation

Adopting the transformative wave of autonomous vehicles and advanced analytics is essential in today’s automotive industry. Implementing IoT onboard leads the way, guaranteeing seamless integration for an improved user experience.

Supply Chain Resilience and Optimization

The escalating complexity within the supply chain landscape poses a growing threat to operations. Optimizing networks, enhancing visibility, and building resilience are key strategies for ensuring timely and efficient transportation and defense operations.

Autonomous Driving

While fully autonomous vehicles operating in mixed traffic are no longer a distant vision of the future, industry experts suggest that it may still take a few more years for them to become fully established. Being prepared for when the time comes is essential. This entails innovating sensor control systems to enhance human senses and working towards achieving ADAS Levels 4 and 5.

Regulatory Compliance

In a constantly evolving landscape shaped by technological advancements and shifting global priorities, transportation and defense organizations need to continuously adapt. This rapid evolution highlights the importance of regulatory agility, and strong management solutions.

Low Carbon Mobility

To meet the challenges of tomorrow’s low carbon mobility, proactive strategies are essential. From adaptive Battery Management Systems (BMS) to passive consumption optimization, effectively managing electricity supply is key for sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

In light of the growing dependence on technology, safeguarding digital landscapes is essential. To accomplish this, it’s critical to assess vulnerabilities, formulate robust strategies, and implement measures aimed at securing transportation and defense systems.

Our Service Areas

Road Transportation
Shipping, Logistics & Freight
Agriculture & Construction

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Our Centers of Excellence

Expertise at its Finest
Digital Solutions

With growing competition across sectors, companies must rely on custom platforms that can help them master the inherent complexity of their processes, ecosystems, and markets.

Agile Transformation

With an increasingly complex global economy, organizations have a strong inclination to move from a traditional operating model to an agile one.

Quality Assurance

To gain valuable insights and keep up with market changes, quality assurance is a vital requirement for ensuring reliability, performance, and accessibility.

Meet Our Leaders

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Sébastien CHAUVET

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Caroline WANG

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